Friday, February 27, 2009

WEBEL, Making algebra, calculus available for visually impaired

Innovation : Webel Mediatronics Limited (WML) and International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) have together developed an advanced Mathematics / Scientific Text to Braille Script Transcription Software in English called WIMATS . The output can be printed in a variety of Braille Embossers. The Software has already been successfully tested at ‘IHRDC’, Coimbatore, India and ‘Resources for the Blind’, Manila, Philippines.

The Software will bridge a long felt need of availability of Mathematics and Science for Higher Secondary and College level studies for the Visually Impaired persons. The Software support inputs of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, vector, set notations and Greek alphabets. The GUI is very user friendly and training does not take a long time.

Launched on: The Software was launched during 12th World Conference of ICEVI at Kuala Lumpur on 17th July 2006. ICEVI has presence in 185 countries in the world and the Software developed by WML will be made available to all these countries through ICEVI.
The software was Windows-based and was compatible with all types of Braille embossers. The testing of this software in various countries has provided excellent results and it has enabled inclusion of blind children in the mainstream. Awards: NASSCOM 2007

West Bengal Electronics lndustry Development Corporation Ltd. is the nodal agency of the Government of West Bengal for developing Information Technology and ITeS industries in the State.

A Snapshot is available here:
Check the other successful initiatives of webel:

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