Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dracula asks to pay up debt!

Dressed-up debt collectors: A Spanish debt collecting agency is using an alternative strategy to make people pay their debts: Public humiliation.

If you owed a few thousand euros and found your footsteps dogged by a man wearing a top hat, tails and silken cummerbund, wouldn't you pay up rather than face the humiliation of being shadowed by someone dressed like Count Dracula?

As Spain's economy falters, the debt-collecting business is booming and has devised colourful new variants to play on people's embarrassment at having their indebtedness paraded in public. El Cobrador del Frac – "The Debt Collector in Top Hat and Tails" – is a nationwide operation which sends employees dressed like Hollywood villains to collect debts. To underline the message, the theatrically-clad collector carries a black briefcase with his calling spelled out in capital letters.
Not sure what is most humiliating: To be confronted by someone wearing a ridiculous outfit - or being the employee who has to wear it?

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