Monday, October 25, 2010

Passenger-Propelled Rickshaw

Passenger-Propelled Rickshaw Takes to the Roads of Delhi

Art team Sylvia Winkler and Stephan Koeperl took advantage of a cycling event last Sunday to test out their in-process project for the residency– a passenger propelled cycle rickshaw!!! They joined a cycling group for a 5.5 km trip down the BRT from Ambetkar Nagar T-Point to Moolchand Flyover.

Sylvia Winkler and Stephan Koeperl have improvised Delhi's cycle rickshaws to reconnect it to riders. Those riding the rickshaw can take part in the movement of the machine by pedalling from their seats in the rear. The rickshaws are powered by solar panels

Stuttgart-based artists Winkler and Koeperl have been working together for the last 10 years when they met at the State Academy of Fine Art - Koeperl trained in art education, Winkler studied textile design. “The PPR doesn't just "fuel the dream of a post-oil society," it is also a wonderfully levelling and nonhierarchical mode of transport with tremendous possibilities for a city like Delhi. "And anyone can copy the design," they say proudly.

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