Monday, October 25, 2010


HEMTT A3: Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck:

The HEMTT A3 (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck) is according an Oshkosh press release the first production-ready, tactical military truck powered by an energy efficient diesel-electric drive system, called ProPulse®, that can increase fuel efficiency by 20 percent or more, depending on mission profile. And the onboard generator can deliver more than 100KW of military-grade AC power for external operations.

The ProPulse system uses a unique, modular series-hybrid arrangement to simplify the transmission of power to the wheels. The diesel engine powers an electric generator, which provides direct power to the wheels, eliminating the torque converter, automatic transmission, transfer case and drive shafts. The system has no batteries, using ultracapacitors for energy storage instead.

This advanced vehicle can climb a 60 percent grade, thunder across the most challenging terrain and achieve 65 mph on secondary roads. In short, the A3 allows fuel, equipment and supplies to keep pace with forward units to ensure you arrive first in every situation. The ProPulse® diesel-electric drive system provides power to the vehicle as well as 100 kW of clean, exportable military grade AC power. So you can get equipment where you need with one chassis – eliminating the need for additional trucks or trailers to transport external equipment and perform emergency response, homeland defense or battlefield support roles.

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