Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wind turbines at your rooftop?

Wind Turbines for urban rooftops:

Aeroturbines are Wind turbines designed for urban settings. Invented by University of Illinois industrial design professor, Bil Becker, Aeroturbines are a new development in wind turbine technology. These can be installed on existing rooftops or built into the architecture of new buildings to provide clean renewable electricity at its site of consumption.

The first renewable energy, wind supported, multiunit, urban, small building in Chicago Illinois is the Maurceri residence. The special difference involves the use of Areotecture Aeroturbines, which quietly and safely generate wind electric power without interfering with neighbors and wildlife at neighborhood rooftop levels.

The special design vision for this project came from a strong collaboration with the clients Frank and Lisa Maurceri, the firm Wilkinson Blender Architecture Inc. and the talented design/build team of Aerotecture International Inc. The combined contributions of the two 1000 watt Aeroturbines working with a 5000 watt solar electric array has the potential to power all the needs of the building over a one year period.

Aeroturbines are uniquely suited to urban environments because they are:
• Noise and vibration-free
• Safe for birds
• Able to utilize multi-directional and gusting winds
• Self-regulating (no overspeed protection required)
• Low maintenance
• Made from low-cost and readily available materials

Aerotecture Paradigm:
• where wind farms are big, we are small
• where wind farms are rural, we are urban
• where wind farms avoid buildings, we attach to them
• where wind farms seek single monster units, we deploy many units
• where wind farms are hundreds of miles from their 'users', we are right there.

The structural features of the Aeroturbine allow for its easy integration into new or existing buildings: the modular/stackable cages are additive and can be mounted in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal orientation.

Read more at:
Check Video:,8,4&vid=

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