Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Google Wave- a revolution to virtual communication

Changing the way the virtual world communicates:

Must watch video:

E-mail has been dawdling along in much the same form since the early days of the Internet. In fact, e-mail now feels like a pretty stodgy, clunky and formal style of online communication these days. But hold onto your seats, because Google is about to turn e-mail on its head with the release of a revolutionary new technology called Google Wave that's due to start trickling into users' hands this September. Wave combines the strengths of e-mail with the immediacy of instant messaging and the collaborative power of social networking - and wraps that all up into a killer web application that can then be embedded into any web page or used as a private communication system.

Effectively, each piece of communication becomes a "wave" that is sent to another person or group of people. From there, rather than replying to the whole "email," other users can insert their responses at any point in the communication - and each keystroke appears on all the wave's users' screens immediately. It's like having an instant message conversation based on an email. And once you've commented into part of the wave, other users can respond to your comments, much like on Facebook, but in realtime.
Photo-sharing can be handled in much the same way, and once the photos are out there in a wave, other users can tag, comment and collaborate on them much the same as they could in a social network. There's lots of options as regards privacy etc - you can turn off the instant transmission of keystrokes, for example, to let you think your sentences over a bit more before others read them.

Check the presentation:

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