Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A robo pet which can see, hear, and feel

PleofotoImage via Wikipedia

A solution for parents whose kids want a pet, and they don’t – A robo? A pet? = Pleo

The most lifelike robotic pet can see, hear, and feel your touch. Six computer chips process the input and produce lifelike reactions, such as crying if it’s left in the dark. Pleo moves naturally using 28 motors and joints—for example, arching its back when stroked. The dino also learns from experiences (such as staying away from your noisy canary) and displays emotions. You can even download behavioral-modification packs or use the free programming kit to customize its personality. $350;

Every Pleo is autonomous. Each one begins life as a newly-hatched baby Camarasaurus, but that's where predictability ends and individuality begins. Like any creature, Pleo feels hunger and fatigue - offset by powerful urges to explore and be nurtured. He'll graze, nap and toddle about on his own -when he feels like it! Pleo dinosaur can change his mind and his mood, just as you do.

Unveiled on February 7, 2006, the company has stopped making new pleo’s as of April 17th, 2009. Will this amazing product revive?

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In 2005, Senario proudly introduced a distribution deal with Ugobe. Currently, Senario is the only distributor in the U.S. with Pleo stock. Currently Pleo is available on at There’s even a cool 2.5 minute video about the creation of the lovable dinosaur.

Pleo will also be available for purchase at the Sharper Images online store in September. The retail price is $349.99.

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