Wednesday, November 4, 2009

e-Cycler connects people with recyclables but no recycling service, and people who want to collect recyclables for profit.

e-Cycler is a new website that makes the process of collecting - and having collected - recyclables look much more like a part time job than a random act of frugal greenness. It connects people who have recyclables but no recycling service with people who want to collect recyclables for profit.

Both Collectors and Discarders Can Make Money
Two types of people sign up with e-Cycler - those who want to collect recyclables in order to turn a profit, and those who want someone to come pick up their recyclables (and possibly also make a profit). The website connects the two people, and collectors can make either 100% profit from what they collect and take in to centers in exchange for cash, or they can make a 60% profit, giving 40% to the person from whom they collected the recyclables. It's up to the person setting their recyclables out whether or not they want to simply give them away, or gain some extra pocket change themselves.

And e-Cycler Wants Money Too
e-Cycler wants to turn their own profit, so they are initializing a small fee on the collector for each lead they receive from the site on who they can go collect from. Even if you as a collector are paying a fee to e-Cycler and giving 40% to the discarder, if you're hard up for some extra income and/or have a passion for seeing recyclables actually get recycled, the cut in profit may still be made up for in the saved time of going straight for a batch of recyclables rather than randomly scouring gutters and trash bins during daily walks.

What's the Impact of All These Collectors?
While this is a great system to help get recyclables to recycling facilities in areas where there isn't curbside pickup provided by the city, we are still curious about the impact of having people most likely driving around in cars and pickup trucks collecting the recyclables and driving to centers to turn them in. Maybe there could be an option for reduced fees for collectors who use bicycles with carts rather than cars. No matter what, e-Cycler seems like a better option than having no curbside recycling at all, and likely a smaller impact than city garbage trucks grumbling down the roads.

Check out the website:

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