Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The world in your hands: Moixa Sphere

William Blake's said 'To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour'
Moixa has developed an apple sized device, named Sphere, its patented technology, with multi-touch feature allows a user to surf the world like Google Earth, control interactive games and browse web pages. Sphere can display an interactive map of world and can be recharged by releasing a leaf like petal. The device supports multi-touch interactions for zoom, selection, as well as 6 degree rotational and gyroscopic actions, with particular application in interactive games or complex control situations such as interacting with a nearby 3D screen or virtual space.
In Moixa tradition, Sphere can also be collapsed, used and stored in its second form - a flat ellipsoid. The patents, filed in 2004 also disclose advanced multi-touch surface interaction and gyroscopic control benefits.
Sphere is a sign of expanding IP collection of geometric forms that reorganize the axioms of portable advanced computing. This handy device is planned to finish the development process anytime this year and will be commercially available in the market in 2010.

See the product: http://www.moixa.com/sphere/

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