Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Non- Stop train

How do you board a constantly moving train? Well, you could leap off a bridge and land on top of it like in the movies, hop off a horse and grab a rail like in a Western, or you could use this passenger delivery system called the "non-stop MRT system" by its Taiwanese inventor Peng Yu-lun, thought up last year. The non-stop train system, employs a continuously moving main carriage and top-mounted boarding shuttles that slide on and off at their appropriate stations. Passengers board the smaller shuttles at the platform and wait for the nonstop train to ’scoop’ up their carriage, which then attaches to the roof of the train as it passes through the station. The sliding carriages then detach and slow down at their destination stations as the continuously moving carriage travels on.

So, what would be the benefit? Yu-lun speculates that it would be a far more energy efficient solution, since a lot of power is wasted when trains and subways start and stop at many stations. It'd be interesting to see, however, if such a system would in fact speed up a commute for passengers, or if timing issues would disrupt the train's uninterrupted schedule.

Check out the video:

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