Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Software for people with cerebral palsy

Webel: Pictorial
As Cerebral Palsy affected people have involuntary muscle movements , it is quite difficult for them to use conventional input devices like mouse or keyboard.

Innovation: Pictorial is an audio-visual software, having specially developed keypads that help cerebral palsy children communicate their feeling by selecting pictures. The software is a learning aid as well as a teaching aid in the filed of picture based communication. The software supports Hindi, Bengali, Mizo and English.

How it works: The software and keypads could be attached to any computer. For children who cannot use hands, Webel has developed foot-switches that can be used to select pictures for expressions. The software has a database of 2000 pictures to select from and the Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy has provided Webel with these specially designed icons. In each icon, there is a sound file, which can generate audible expressions. By clicking on any icon, the user will be able to play the sound file and make people understand their feelings. The software has a pair of specially designed hand switches for two hands. While one switch would be used to scroll through the pictures, the other switch would be for selecting an expression or pressing the 'Enter' button. Similar mechanism is in place for the foot switches.

The software has been installed at two Cerebral Palsy Institutes in Kolkata &Aizwal.
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