Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monkey replaces men as waiter

We’ve heard of hi-tech hotels, classy restaurants, this one beats them all..
Your next drink will be served by a Monkey!
The Kayabukiya Tavern, north of Tokyo has employed and trained Monkey’s to wait tables. They were the tavern owners pets, but when they began to get stuff for him around the house, he decided to hire them for PEANUTS!!
Video of simians serving drinks and hot towels in a Japanese restaurant became a hit on YouTube, where a news clip circulated in which the restaurant owner, Kaoru Otsuka, said he did not teach the monkeys waiting skills. Apparently, they learned by observing humans.
Although the macaques work only two hours a day, they never get any days off.

Check the story at:

Youtube video:

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