Monday, August 24, 2009

Project Topless

Project TOPLESS: OLED lamp uses 14x less energy

It is a three year, £3.3M project financed 50% by the UK government and 50% by a consortium of Thorn Lighting (UK largest lighting company), Sumation UK and the University of Durham (Department of Physics and Chemistry). The goal is to create "high quality white light generating single polymer, and efficient large area single pixel device architectures." In the video below, you can see one of their very cool prototypes in action. Behold the future of lighting. British lighting company Thorn and the U.K. government created this remarkable OLED desk lamp prototype. Part of Project TOPLESS (Thin Organic Polymeric Light Emitting Semiconductor Surfaces), the lamp emits high-quality white light using a mere 3.5 Watts, giving you the same amount of light you'd get from a 50-Watt halogen desk lamp.

Take a look at how outlandishly thin and elegant this desk lamp is, and start thinking about what the world will be like when these OLED fixtures populate the planet instead of incandescent light bulbs using technology invented 130 years ago. Here's a video showing this unreal OLED lamp in action:

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