Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fish make fishing easy- come and say catch me!

Relax! The fish will call the fisherman
Student’s invention uses mobile phone technology to alert owner of the catch :

The star attraction on the first day of a national scientific conference in Nairobi on Monday was a simple technology that could dramatically change the way small-scale fishermen attract their catch.

Designed by Mr Pascal Katana, a student at the University of Nairobi, the electronic trap lures fish into their captivity by imitating the sound they make when feeding.
“The sound is inaudible to the human ear, but it attracts other fish, and these rush in to share in the bounty,” he told the Nation at Kenyatta International Conference Centre during the start of a five-day National Conference on Dissemination of Research Results and Exhibition of Innovations meeting.

Mr Katana has built a simple, yet sophisticated, trap using discarded radio and computer parts, and his contraption promises to digitalise the way fishermen conduct their business in the country.

“It attracts a school of fish around it, then automatically triggers a signal through an embedded mobile phone to a designated number, alerting the fisherman of the positioning of the fish,” he explains.

“With this technology, one does not need to stay up the whole night waiting for fish. The fish will, instead, call him!”

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